WPSC – APSA Congress 2022

Student Competition and Exhibition

The International Student Competition and Exhibitions provides an opportunity for students attending in pre-congress to exhibit their planning studio project nationally and internationally. Entries will be examined by international experts on the basis of planning concept, originality, innovation and content. (For Bachelor’s Students)
Output could be published as book edition.

Award Theme

"Inclusive and Innovative Planning"

Sub Theme

  1. Climate Change And Environment
  2. Heritage And Conservation
  3. Healthy City
  4. Disaster And Resilience
  5. Tourism And Urban Regeneration


1 April 2022 - 31 May 2022
Submission and Registration
1 July - 15 August 2022
Assessment to determine 10 best finalists
The finalist' work project will be showd to the public through online platform
29 August 2022
Finalists' presentation to the jury and Winner announcement
30 August 2022
Award Ceremoy

Works Submission

Submit your works here. Make sure you complete the job requirements and selection systemSubmit here
Job Requirements

  1. The competition is open to all undergraduate planning school students
  2. The entry is student work project that is produced from planning and/or design studio of the university/ planning department’s curriculum
  3. Work project is limited to those produced during 2020 – 2022 learning period
  4. A team of students represents the university, consists of 3-5 students from undergraduate level of urban planning department
  5. Each university may submit up to 5 teams of students
  6. Each team of students may submit up to 1 work.

Entry Guidelines
  1. Please send the work as digital poster format in A1 size for maximum of 3 sheets. Each poster file should not exceed 10 MB and should be in PDF format. 
  2. Please send the work in duplicate. One copy is assigned with complete identity and the other copy is assigned without identity t ensure blind examination
  3. Please register by filling up the registration form
Winner and Prize

  • The WPSC APSA 2022 International Student Competition appreciates all the entries by giving a certificate of appreciation to all registered students team.

  • The WPSC APSA 2022 International Student Competition award and prize the winners: Champion, Runner Up, and Second Runner Up that will be determined by the jury from GPEAN, APSA, ASPI, and IAP as well as the Most Favorite Students Project that will be chosen by the public.

  • There is only one team for each position of winners: champion, runner up, second runner up, and favourite award from all sub-themes.

  • The winners will get free access to the plenary and parallel session event (WPSC APSA Congress main event)
  • Registration Fee

    Per team: USD 200

    Includes: Free entry to presentation event on 29 August 2022 (via zoom event) For 10 best finalist free access to pleanry event on 30 Aug (for awarding)